Questions About Your Lawn?

PureLawn recommends that you get the crabgrass pre-emergent, whether it is corn gluten meal or a regular chemical pre-emergent herbicide, down before the soil temperature reaches 55 degrees consistently. This usually means in Dayton and Cincinnati by the end of April.
PureLawn recommends that you plant grass seed in the Early Fall, September-Middle October. This allows the new grass to have two growing periods before its first Summer. This allows the root system to be larger to handle the heat of the Summer better.
Dormant seeding is when you put down grass seed during the Winter months in Dayton and Cincinnati. The natural freezing and thawing will pull the grass seed into the soil. The next Spring, when the soil temperature reaches 55 degrees consistently, you will see the new grass popping up. Make sure to NOT use pre-emergent crabgrass preventer in the Spring or the seed will not germinate.
PureLawn recommends that you wait until you have cut the new grass 3 times before spot spraying any broadleaf weeds in your new grass.
PureLawn recommends that you should cut your grass at 3-4 inches after being mowed from April-October. The last couple of mowings gradually cut the grass down to 2.5 inches going into the Winter. This helps protect the lawn against Winter fungus like snow mold.
PureLawn recommends that you should water your lawn every 3-7 days during the hot parts of the Summer. You want to water deeply and infrequently. Watering for 45-60 minutes in the morning is suggested.
PureLawn recommends that you wait 24 hours to allow the nutrients and weed control to do their job. If you must mow that day, wait at least 4 hours and do not bag the clippings.
PureLawn recommends that you DO NOT bag your grass clippings. This is wasting free fertilizer. If you mulch your clippings it will add extra organic matter and nutrients right back into the soil. If you have clumps of grass in your lawn after mowing, that means you need to mow more often. Spread them out or rake them up because they can smother healthy grass.
PureLawn recommends that you get down on your hands and knees. Pull on the brown/tan grass. If it pulls up easily like a rug, then look around in the soil. You will probably find the little white “c shaped” grubs. They chew on the roots of the grass, so the grass will roll/pull up very easy. Reseed these areas. That grass is dead.
Cool season grasses that we have in Dayton and Cincinnati will go dormant under certain conditions during the Winter and Summer. This is a dormancy state and doesn’t mean the grass is dead. These types of grasses prefer the temperatures between 60-80 degrees. When it gets very hot and dry during the Summer, the grass will go dormant if you don’t water. It is normal for the grass to turn tan during the Winter because of the low temperatures.
PureLawn recommends that you fertilize your lawn with 4-5 lbs. of nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft. throughout a season. We put down 5 treatments of controlled release fertilizer during the months of March-Early December. If you are going to feed the lawn only once per year, the most important fertilizer treatment would need to be done in Late Fall.
PureLawn recommends that in Dayton and Cincinnati you should plant turf type tall fescue grass. This grass is a little more drought and insect tolerant compared with bluegrass or ryegrass. The ideal time to plant grass in this area is September – Middle October.