Dayton and Cincinnati Spring Lawn Care Tips

Dayton and Cincinnati Spring Lawn Care Tips

Even with the weather still cold and rainy, Spring is right around the corner!  Pretty soon the days will be longer and the kids will be screaming outside.  Below are a few Dayton and Cincinnati Spring Lawn Care Tips that will have your grass greening up quicker and being the thickest on your block:

-Dayton and Cincinnati Spring Lawn Care Tips-

  • Clean up any leaves, sticks, or debris that may be inhibiting the grass from breathing.  Large objects, piles of leaves, etc. can suffocate healthy grass just like leaving big clumps of cut grass on it too long.  This can kill healthy grass, so please clean it up.
  • Feed your soil, roots, and grass.  It is time to put down your annual grassy weed barrier.  In Southwest Ohio, you should get this down in March/April.  PureLawn puts down a chemical premergent in our Bridge Program and Corn Gluten Meal in our PureGreen Program.  This creates a barrier to make sure later in the Summer you are not dealing with grassy weeds like crabgrass and foxtail.  The products we apply in Early Spring on Dayton and Cincinnati lawns feed nutrients to the lawn, soil, and the roots while putting down the barrier.  This will help with a quicker green up and make the lawn and roots grow thicker.
  • Mow your lawn.  Mowing the grass will actually help the lawn fill out horizontally.  In the Spring, you will get lots of shoot growth.  Mowing your grass high and often will help it thicken up.  Remember never to mow off more than 1/3 of the grass blade at one time or this could stunt root growth.  During the Spring, you may have to mow every 3-4 days until the weather heats up and the grass growth slows down.  Mow in different directions and DO NOT mow when the grass is wet.  Mowing wet grass can promote fungus.


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